Family First Aid


Family First AidThe biggest fear for a parent, grandparent, child minder or guardian is not knowing what to do in a medical emergency.  Our Family First Aid Course has been designed to teach the basic life saving techniques to act quickly in the event of a Baby, Toddler or Child medical emergency.

This course is delivered over 3 hours of practical training and information specially designed for families and carers.  We will supply all training materials.
To ensure efficient learning the maximum number of participants per class is 10. If you have more people to train contact us and we will be happy to arrange an additional instructor or course.
Cost: €40 per person
The course covers the following topics:
Burns & Scald​s
​Bleeding​ & Wounds
​Seizures & ​Fevers
​Calling 999/112 - What to say and do 
Our aim is to make the ​Family First Aid course ​as ​interactive and hands on as we can. 

For more information contact us